You can sleep when you’re dead. It burns me up when I hear that. It’s the anthem of self-righteous productivity crusaders. It’s a needle…
Read MoreTime and Chance
A blog by Justin N. Poythress, Pastor in Boise, Idaho
The dialogue happens within. Sexual sin hooks on to us because it appeals to and flatters our pride. However dimly we may be conscious…
Read MoreA little while ago, we had a water main break on our street. Actually, it was all the way at the front of our…
Read More"God has so woven the soul into the center of our being that we can feel the lack, or the benefit, of spiritual wholeness…
Read MoreHave you ever looked for something you didn’t really want to find? I have discovered that I possess an incredible power of nondiscovery. I…
Read MoreHas free speech ever really been free? The growth spurt of ‘safe spaces’, the label of ‘hate speech’, and the push back against speech-induced…
Read MoreThe book of Proverbs is a treasure chest of solar systems. Stars of wisdom shine in condensed phrases and verses, and as one looks…
Read MoreWhat should your church do well? Discipleship? Missions? Evangelism? Worship? Teaching and education? Service? Well, it’s all about context, right? Wrong. The answer is…
Read MoreSmall groups are the hardest thing in the world. You know why? Two reasons. First, because they are supposed to do everything. Secondly, relationships.…
Read MoreImagine your church published one of those handy little instructional pamphlets titled: “So you want to be a small group leader?” The packet might…
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