It’s hard to make sense of self-sacrifice in a lion’s brain
Do Some City Planning in Your Heart
We hang a low ceiling over our imagination, and live the rest of our lives cramped and hunched over.
Where to Turn When Patriotism Seems to be Dying
Patriotic pride rejoices in your piece of a shared vision of the collective good. But what happens when your vision is not shared so collectively? …. What we want is a land where justice reigns and good always triumphs over evil. We only get that with Jesus.
Prepping for the Impending Apocalypse
don’t have a chicken coop or an imposing beard. I’ve never been hunting. I can barely keep succulents alive. I grew up in Philadelphia and feel the shame of my cosmopolitan softness every time I gas up behind the carheart-clad cowboy resting on his rusted Silverado.
You Know Less Than You Think
The beginning of wisdom is to know that you don’t know.
What’s the Point of Waiting?
There is a decaying, deadening shallowness that seeps in during all this waiting. There is always something else coming. From year to year and hour to hour there is some new horizon promising that when you get to the top of that hill, then you’ll be happy.
Is injustice systemic or individual?
Systems and individuals live in a symbiotic, cyclical relationship, where individuals shape systems, and then individuals are shaped by systems
Truth by Consensus
By tethering absolute truth to the foresail of consensus, we have not thereby matured beyond the chaos of relativism. Rather, we are resigning ourselves to perpetual uncertainty – a life driven and tossed by the wind.
Not all equity is created equal
Surely no one imagines that equity is some sort of nightmarish carbon copied cul-de-sac, where everyone lives in the same type of house, wears the same clothes, drives the same car, and goes to the same schools?
Fear the Lord to start the game
Fear of the Lord means starting everything with God. It means recognizing God is the central reality in the universe, not me, not even the universe in its past, present, or future form
Dealings in justice and equity
The book of Proverbs is a treasure chest of solar systems. Stars of wisdom shine in condensed phrases and verses, and as one looks closer, one can make out first planets, then moons, then at greater detail, asteroids, and all manner of geography orbiting around each...
The Gospel Loves Free Speech
Has free speech ever really been free? The growth spurt of ‘safe spaces’, the label of ‘hate speech’, and the push back against speech-induced violence have created a reactionary surge in America to protect our 1st amendment rights. While the goal of safeguarding open...