I was thinking about how to explain Jesus' atonement to your average person-on-the-street for an article ByFaith asked me to do as part of…
Read MoreTime and Chance
A blog by Justin N. Poythress, Pastor in Boise, Idaho
“Sometimes, you’ve gotta just listen to the Spirit.” When someone says that, usually the Spirit has told them to do what they feel like.…
Read MoreTrue wisdom is not hidden in some coded cipher on the back pages of a musty book. She’s clear, visible, and prominent. She wants…
Read MoreMy mom used to bake Christmas cookies for our bus driver. Was that a bribe? If so, he might have hoped for better, despite…
Read MoreThe accumulation of riches without wisdom would be like building out a hardware superstore in your backyard, while being unclear how to use a…
Read MoreDespite our temptation to draw broad stroke, short-cut evaluations of a church’s faithfulness to Christ based on its forms of worship (music, liturgy, ministries),…
Read MoreIf you hand over your car keys to your sixteen year old, you can pretty well guarantee the car is not going to come…
Read MoreIt’s not that evangelism training is useless, it’s just that graduating from the latest training program can be a bit like completing one year…
Read MoreSmall groups are the hardest thing in the world. You know why? Two reasons. First, because they are supposed to do everything. Secondly, relationships.…
Read MoreWhat should your church do well? Discipleship? Missions? Evangelism? Worship? Teaching and education? Service? Well, it’s all about context, right? Wrong. The answer is…
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