
Are You a Good Chef with Your Words?

Are You a Good Chef with Your Words?

No matter what your profession is, your words feed people’s souls. All of us have the opportunity to spoon spiritual nutrition into people’s lives.

Where to Find Wisdom

Where to Find Wisdom

True wisdom is not hidden in some coded cipher on the back pages of a musty book. She’s clear, visible, and prominent. She wants to be found. She plans her locations like Walgreens.

The Sanction of Sin

The Sanction of Sin

The power comes in her offhanded delivery. At their initial encounter, the subtext is uneasy, electric with forbidenness. But then she casually disarms the security system—nothing to fear on the spiritual front

You’ve Overcommitted–Now What?

You’ve Overcommitted–Now What?

There are plenty of mistakes you can quietly go about fixing yourself. But when your error involves a promise or expectation given to someone else, it’s no longer a private matter.

Cheap Thrills

Cheap Thrills

Adultery is more like trying to get your summer tan in a single sunscreenless day at the beach.

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

An hour later, lost and mudstained, you wonder how you got there in the first place. You don’t remember ever making a decision…it just happened.

Might Will Not Make Right

Might Will Not Make Right

The violent man is like a dragon sleeping on his horde of treasure—never able to use it, and never happy about it.

Good People Get Good Things

Good People Get Good Things

Most of the time, living with integrity turns out pretty well. Usually, illegal arms dealers do not live long, blissful lives, surrounded by beloved friends and family.

Wisdom Will Laugh at Your Expense

Wisdom Will Laugh at Your Expense

We do not naturally possess wisdom. Left to your own devices, you are not in good hands. There is something inside us that is actually disinclined to wisdom.

Powerful People Shouldn’t Drink

Powerful People Shouldn’t Drink

The longer you live as a C-Suite executive, the harder it is to empathize with the lifestyle and motivations of an hourly worker.



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