I’ve prayed about discontentment. I’ve confessed it. I keep a gratitude journal. But it was only this past year that I got a breakthrough as to the real problem. I don’t want to be content. I’m afraid of it. I look at successful people and I hear and recycle in...
A steal of a deal
“‘Bad, Bad,’ says the buyer, but when he goes away, then he boasts.” – Proverbs 20:14 My struggle with buyer’s remorse grows worse with age. I used to not give a second thought to impulse purchases. Granted, that may be because they usually involved some combination...
Why some people are black holes
“Whoever is wicked covets the spoil of evildoers, but the root of the righteous bears fruit.” - Prov 12:12 I'm sure you've seen the sad people who seem to have minds for nothing but accounting. They’re always sizing other people up, doing the mental math, calculating,...