Time and Chance

A blog by Justin N. Poythress, Pastor in Boise, Idaho

Why some people are black holes

What we find in the wicked is… nothing. It’s an absence, a nothingness. Instead of seeing perhaps some malformed root growing in the wicked,…
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The soil of apathy Part II

There is no grand narrative. There is no sweeping, golden standard of right and wrong, of high virtue and deathly vice. All of these…
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The soil of apathy Part I

By apathy I do not mean an emotionless shrug at everything that happens, but rather the lack of willpower to act in any sustained…
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Feasting in a luxurious house

There are two main objections in people’s minds when they consider setting themselves toward living a life of wisdom. First, that sounds hard. Second,…
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How to be authentic

I’ve never actually met a fully authentic person. I’m not sure I would want to. It’s been said that a person begins to lie…
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The right side of history

“Here’s how I think about it,” Nick said at last. “I don’t want to be on the wrong side of history. That’s the one…
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