
Where to Turn When Patriotism Seems to be Dying

Where to Turn When Patriotism Seems to be Dying

Patriotic pride rejoices in your piece of a shared vision of the collective good. But what happens when your vision is not shared so collectively? …. What we want is a land where justice reigns and good always triumphs over evil. We only get that with Jesus.

What Happens When You Stop Getting Bored?

What Happens When You Stop Getting Bored?

Try to remember—what used to happen when you got bored? What have we lost, exactly? The underlying catastrophe is the loss of humility.

Jesus is the Better Bitcoin

Jesus is the Better Bitcoin

Questions of value lead us to constantly look for something bigger, better and more lasting.

Politicians Are Not Jesus

Politicians Are Not Jesus

I don’t know a single person who needs to be convinced about the importance of politics, or the perks of power. People need Jesus.

Prepping for the Impending Apocalypse

Prepping for the Impending Apocalypse

don’t have a chicken coop or an imposing beard. I’ve never been hunting. I can barely keep succulents alive. I grew up in Philadelphia and feel the shame of my cosmopolitan softness every time I gas up behind the carheart-clad cowboy resting on his rusted Silverado.

Powerful People Shouldn’t Drink

Powerful People Shouldn’t Drink

The longer you live as a C-Suite executive, the harder it is to empathize with the lifestyle and motivations of an hourly worker.

What’s the Point of Waiting?

What’s the Point of Waiting?

There is a decaying, deadening shallowness that seeps in during all this waiting. There is always something else coming. From year to year and hour to hour there is some new horizon promising that when you get to the top of that hill, then you’ll be happy.

You are not a brand

You are not a brand

If we’re honest, most of us are tormented by the fear that, “If I don’t publicize who I am, no one will know, and I’ll never become what I could have been.”

Have you heard the other side?

Have you heard the other side?

Our challenge, in a universe of digital perspectives, is not a quantity of sources, but allowing both sides their day in court.

Is injustice systemic or individual?

Is injustice systemic or individual?

Systems and individuals live in a symbiotic, cyclical relationship, where individuals shape systems, and then individuals are shaped by systems



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