Jesus is the Better Bitcoin

by Apr 11, 2024Christian living, Culture, Happiness, Money0 comments

Like most millennial guys, I own some crypto (and like most, I bought at the wrong time).

When I first discovered Bitcoin in 2019, the concept was magnetic. I felt (and still believe) this was one of those handful-a-century idea. You can tell the aspirations a solution has by the size of the question it asks and the assumptions it challenges. In this case—what is money?

It’s not something you think about until someone dares to ask the question. Why do we use dollars and not bars of gold or denarii? Let’s go a step further. Why are you willing to pay the price you do for a loaf of bread? Economics revolves around trust and scarcity.

Questions of value lead us to constantly look for something bigger, better and more lasting. I wrote this article for Ref21 about our search for eternal value and why, for every good thing about Bitcoin, Jesus is better.

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