The hardest, most significant battle of your life is one you don’t have to go anywhere to find. It’s waiting for you the moment…
Read MoreTime and Chance
A blog by Justin N. Poythress, Pastor in Boise, Idaho
Gathering advice is like creating a scatter plot. The more points you get, the more confident you’ll be in the line you draw.
Read MoreThere’s an ordinariness, an unobtrusiveness, to someone with a tranquil heart. She has come to terms with life itself being rather ordinary.
Read MoreYou’re not as free as you were when you could throw all your stuff in the back of your Camry, and still have room…
Read MoreThe goodness of God alleviates more anxiety than a swaggering self-confidence because it frees you from that dreadful cell
Read MoreYou think you’re looking at a beautiful woman who makes some questionable decisions when in reality, it’s a pig with some nice jewelry.
Read MoreWe hang a low ceiling over our imagination, and live the rest of our lives cramped and hunched over.
Read MoreNo matter what your profession is, your words feed people’s souls. All of us have the opportunity to spoon spiritual nutrition into people’s lives.
Read MoreWe will always see the glitter of tinfoil before discovering that it’s not gold.
Read MoreTrue wisdom is not hidden in some coded cipher on the back pages of a musty book. She’s clear, visible, and prominent. She wants…
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