Time and Chance

A blog by Justin N. Poythress, Pastor in Boise, Idaho

Marginalized Oppressors

Don’t assume, because you have experienced poverty or marginalization of some sort, that you are automatically above inflicting the same sort of oppression that…
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Dealing with false accusations

In our world, name-calling and labeling is often a shortcut substitute for the hard labor of moral reasoning. You can quickly find yourself on…
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Wearing out your welcome

As much as we might wish this was not the case, and plead the contrary, we conduct all our relationships within a transactional frame.
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Wisdom can help you win

When we enlist the pursuit of wisdom to strive for an optimal outcome, what we are seeking is to align our own thinking as…
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How do we deal with greed?

The key to understanding and disarming our greed is digging a little bit deeper. Why do you want more money? What is it that…
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Saying things that last

If you want to endure, it really means, for the realist, that you want your words to endure. We want our words to carry…
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