
Why You Can’t Let Yourself Feel Content

Why You Can’t Let Yourself Feel Content

The faster you descend from your mountaintop of success into feelings of failure and self-loathing, the better. That means you’ll get to your next high quicker.

What Happens When You Stop Getting Bored?

What Happens When You Stop Getting Bored?

Try to remember—what used to happen when you got bored? What have we lost, exactly? The underlying catastrophe is the loss of humility.

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

An hour later, lost and mudstained, you wonder how you got there in the first place. You don’t remember ever making a decision…it just happened.

You are not a brand

You are not a brand

If we’re honest, most of us are tormented by the fear that, “If I don’t publicize who I am, no one will know, and I’ll never become what I could have been.”

Look good by letting it go

Look good by letting it go

Their concept of self appears larger, not smaller, in that they can’t be bothered…to be bothered.

Substance over semblance

Substance over semblance

Real life isn’t glitzy and glamorous. Real life doesn’t come with a filter. Real life is cleaning up dishes and returning that shirt that looked better online.

Your authentic self isn’t enough

Your authentic self isn’t enough

We’ve all encountered people who are unshakably authentic, who, we can’t help thinking, could perhaps do with being a little more fake. An authentic monster is perhaps better than a monster in disguise, but not by much.

Can I follow my heart?

Can I follow my heart?

Wisdom does not come from within. Nor will the lifestyle of liberating an “inner child” lead to lasting freedom.

How to be authentic

How to be authentic

I’ve never actually met a fully authentic person. I’m not sure I would want to. It’s been said that a person begins to lie as soon as he becomes polite. 



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