If we’re honest, most of us are tormented by the fear that, “If I don’t publicize who I am, no one will know, and…
Read MoreTime and Chance
A blog by Justin N. Poythress, Pastor in Boise, Idaho
A fool will fail to grasp social complexities or care about anyone’s feelings except her own. You will find yourself stirring up a storm…
Read MoreIt’s going to get awkward if you assume your neighbor is burying a body when he’s preparing to plant some geraniums.
Read MoreAn authority figure who enforces discipline helps people connect the dots between bad choices and negative consequences.
Read MoreMy mom used to bake Christmas cookies for our bus driver. Was that a bribe? If so, he might have hoped for better, despite…
Read MoreThe pre-purchase haggle, the clutching FOMO – they’re just buyer’s remorse working its way backward.
Read MoreTheir concept of self appears larger, not smaller, in that they can’t be bothered…to be bothered.
Read MoreOur challenge, in a universe of digital perspectives, is not a quantity of sources, but allowing both sides their day in court.
Read MoreThe uncomfortable reality is that oftentimes when we open our mouth, people are worse off than if we had said nothing
Read MoreReal life, especially your closest relationships, are messy, rapid-fire, and reactionary.
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