We hang a low ceiling over our imagination, and live the rest of our lives cramped and hunched over.
Why You Can’t Let Yourself Feel Content
The faster you descend from your mountaintop of success into feelings of failure and self-loathing, the better. That means you’ll get to your next high quicker.
What Happens When You Stop Getting Bored?
Try to remember—what used to happen when you got bored? What have we lost, exactly? The underlying catastrophe is the loss of humility.
Cheap Thrills
Adultery is more like trying to get your summer tan in a single sunscreenless day at the beach.
Jesus is the Better Bitcoin
Questions of value lead us to constantly look for something bigger, better and more lasting.
Might Will Not Make Right
The violent man is like a dragon sleeping on his horde of treasure—never able to use it, and never happy about it.
Wisdom Will Laugh at Your Expense
We do not naturally possess wisdom. Left to your own devices, you are not in good hands. There is something inside us that is actually disinclined to wisdom.
What’s the Point of Waiting?
There is a decaying, deadening shallowness that seeps in during all this waiting. There is always something else coming. From year to year and hour to hour there is some new horizon promising that when you get to the top of that hill, then you’ll be happy.
You are not a brand
If we’re honest, most of us are tormented by the fear that, “If I don’t publicize who I am, no one will know, and I’ll never become what I could have been.”
The mercy of discipline
An authority figure who enforces discipline helps people connect the dots between bad choices and negative consequences.
A steal of a deal
The pre-purchase haggle, the clutching FOMO – they’re just buyer’s remorse working its way backward.
How to avoid being heart sick
Bud Light’s motto used to be that “it won’t fill you up and will never let you down.” That’s essentially what we want from our desires.